Wednesday, July 20, 2005

rednecks in Boise

I'm in Boise, Idaho, for a couple of days. They call it City of Trees. Except that I don't see many trees. It's more like City of Desert and Barren Rocks. It's Mormon country, except I see more people drink beer in the middle of the day than San Francisco. There is this main road called Chinden, short for Chinese Gardens, that used to be where they place Chinese immigrants some 50 years ago when it's was vougue to discriminate people based on their work ethic.

Anyhoo. Boise reminds me of rednecks, even though it's nowhere near Alabama. But it does have a charming, largest gathering of neo nazi's in this state.

I hate anything "neo". But here is a picture of Boise "Redneck" pet carriage.

this is one beer I don't want to tap Posted by Picasa


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