Monday, July 10, 2006

my HDTV is almost like...real

Bought a 58 inch HDTV and hooked it up to HD cable just in time for the final games of World Cup soccer. Bunch of people came to my house and watched the German vs. Italy game on the Fourth of July. We rooted for Italy.

Juey asked me, "What are you going to do for the Fourth?"

"Oh I'm going to stay home and watch the fireworks." Said I, "On my HDTV, it's like...real life."

Now it has become a running joke that I will simply stay home, and watch almost real life on my HDTV.

Of course, I try, at every moment, to remind everyone that, on my HDTV, I did not only see Zidane headbutt into Materazzi's chest. I saw the anger. I could see the pain. In fact, I and those with me witnessed not only the disgrace of the headbutt by one of most celebrated soccer player, we saw the shockwave eminating from Marco Materazzi's chest.

That, my friends, is the clarity of HDTV.


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